Photometer Water Analysis PL02B-32P | Alat Uji Kualitas Air
  • Photometer Water Analysis PL02B-32P | Alat Uji Kualitas Air

Photometer Water Analysis PL02B-32P


Photometer Water Analysis PL02B-32P adalah alat ukur kualitas air yang dapat mengukur 32 parameter, Photometer Water Analysisi siap pakai untuk laboratorium atau pemakaian langsung ke lapangan. Distributor dan Penjual Water Analysis PL02B-32P di Indonesia

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Photometer Water Analysis

Type : PL02B-32P

Specification :

A Portable Photometer Water Analysis
Panjang Gelombang : 390-950nm
  : 18 panjang gelombang :
  410nm, 435nm, 460nm, 485nm, 510nm,
  535nm, 560nm, 585nm, 610nm, 645nm, 
  680nm, 705nm, 730nm, 760nm, 810nm
  860nm, 900nm dan 940nm
Koneksi  : Bluetooth 4.2
Layar Monitor : 5.5" Layar Sentuh
Kalibrasi : Internal kalibrasi
Memory : Mampu menyimpan lebih 5000 data
Pengaturan Jam/waktu : Selalu terkini (Real-Time-Clock)
  dengan fungsi kalender
B Reagent Water Analysis
Alkalinity : 0-500 mg/l (50 test)
Ammonia  : 0-1 mg/l  (50 test)
Aluminium  : 0-0.3 mg/l (50 test)
Boron : 0-2 mg/l (50 test)
Bromine : 0-18 mg/l (50 test)
Besi  : 0-30 mg/l, (50 test)
Chlorida  : 0.5-25 mg/l (50 test)
Chlorine : 0-8.00 mg/l (50 test)
Chromium : 0-2.2 mg/l (50 test)
COD : 0-150mg/l (50 test)
: 0-1500 mg/l (50 test)
Fluoride : 0-2 mg/l (50 test)
Iodine : 0-28 mg/l(50 test)
Kesadahan : 20-500mg/l (50 test)
Magnesium : 0-100 mg/l (50 test)
Mangan  : 0.2-5 mg/l (50 test)
Molybdate : 0-15 mg/l (50 test)
Nikel : 0-7 mg/l (50 test)
Nitrat  : 0-11 mg/l (50 test)
Nitrit   : 0-1500 mg/l (50 test)
Ozone : 0-5.4 mg/l (50 test)
Phosphate : 0-80 mg.l (50 test)
Phosphour Total : 0-52 mg/l (50 test)
Potasium : 0.7-12 mg/l (50 test)
Seng : 0-1 mg/l  (50 test)
Sianida : 0.01-0.5 mg/l (50 test)
Sulfat  : 5-100 mg/l (50 test)
Sulphide : 0.04-0.5 mg/l (50 test)
Suspended Solid : 0-750 mg/l (tanpa reagent)
Tembaga : 0-5 mg/l (50 test)
Turbidity : 0-1000 NTU (tanpa reagent)
Urea : 0.2-5 mg/l (50 test)
C Pocket Multiparameter Tester (PH/mV/CON/TDS/SAL/TEMP)
pH/ Resolution  -2.00~16.00 pH / 0.001 pH
ORP -1999~2000 mV / 0.1/1 mV
Conductivity 2.00~100.0 mS / 0.01/0.1 mS
TDS 0.0~1319 ppm / 1.1/1 ppm
Salt 0.0~999 ppm / 0.1/1ppm
Temperature 0~110 °C
D Portable DO Meter
DO range : 0-20.00 mg/L
: 0-200% (O2 Saturation)
: 0~50 °C Temperature
Akuasi ±0.02+1 digit  (DO)
±2% FS  (O2)
±0.2°C  (Temp)
D Test Kit Uji Bakteri
E-Coli/Coliform : 80 Test
Salmonella : 80 Tet
C Perlengkapan peralatan
1 Thermoreactor
Type : Dry Temperature Control Valve
Vial Cell : Vial 16 cell, 16mm
2 Portable Incubator
Pembacaan suhu : Digital (LCD) warna
3 Colony Counter
4 Plastic carrying-case with foam insert
5 Glass Vial 24mm x 10ml (4 pcs)
6 light shield (1 pcs)
7 Vial adapter 24mm (1 pcs)
8 Stirring rod 10,5cm (1 pcs)
9 Plastic syringe 10ml (1 pcs)
10 Professional pipette with 2 tips cap 1-10ml (1 set)
11 Turbidity calibration 0.5 / 10 / 1000NTU 10ml (1 set)
12 Vial cleaning brush (1 pcs)
13 Microfibre cleaning cloth for vials (1 pcs)
14 Bluetooth USB dongle (1 pcs)
15 Charger with cable (USB-Type-C)
16 Standard Solution DO
17 Standard Solution pH 4 dan 7
18 Standard Solution Cond. 1413 µS
19 Aquades Sterill (500 ml)
20 Buku petunjuk penggunaan alat
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